March 20, 2021
We, the Members of the Republican Party of Cumberland County, North Carolina, dedicated to the sound principles fostered by our party, conscious of our civic responsibilities and rights, firm in our determination to give our strength to preserving the American principle that government ought and must be of all the people, by all of the people and for all of the people do, for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our efforts for maximum power and efficiency, herewith establish this instrument, the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Cumberland County, North Carolina.
ARTICLE I - Membership
All citizens of Cumberland County who are registered Republicans are Members of the Republican Party in Cumberland County and shall have the right to participate in the official affairs of the Republican Party in accordance with these rules. All reference herein to delegates, alternates, officers and members shall, in all cases, mean persons identified and registered with the Republican Party in the precinct of their residence.
- Call of Convention
- A County Convention shall be called every year by the Chair of the County Executive Committee, at a suitable location within the county, at a time and date consistent with the North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization at fifteen (15) days prior to the earliest scheduled District Convention.
- At, on or about the time of the call of the County Convention, the County Chair shall appoint a Credentials Committee, which will meet and issue its report on delegates and alternates certified to the county at least three (3) days in advance of the convening of the County Convention. All delegates and alternates challenged in the report of the Credentials Committee shall be notified prior to the report to the Convention day of the County Convention and allowed to present their case to the Credentials Committee prior to the convening of the County Convention. The delegates and alternates elected at the precinct meetings, unless successfully challenged, shall sit as delegates and alternates to the County Convention.
- If the County Chair fails, refuses, or neglects to call a County Convention as required by this Article, it shall become the duty of the Vice-Chair to act in this capacity. The Vice-Chair shall give five (5) days notice thereof to all Precinct Chairs and County Executive Committee members. If the County Chair or Vice-Chair does not call such a meeting, it shall be cause for any member of the County Executive Committee, with the approval of the Congressional District Chair or State Chairman, to call such County Convention.
Convention Action
- The County Convention shall adopt or amend a written County Plan of Organization not inconsistent with the State Plan of Organization, a current copy of which shall be on file at County Headquarters and at State Headquarters. Failure to comply may result in the County Delegation not being seated at the State Convention by the Credentials Committee.
- Elections
i) In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a Chair, First Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such officers as may be deemed necessary, who shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or until their successors are elected.
ii) In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a County Executive Board of five or more registered voters, as members at large, in addition to the County Officers who hold their places for a term of two (2) years, or until their successors are elected. The County Executive Committee can appoint additional members as it deems necessary.
iii) In each year, the County Convention shall elect one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate to Congressional District and State Conventions, plus, one (1) additional delegate and alternate for every two-hundred fifty (250) registered Republican voters, or major fraction thereof, registered to vote in the County by January 31st of the current year, as allocated by the State Party each year. Each county shall further elect one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each Republican elected to the state legislature and to public office on the state or national level from said county in the most recent election held for that office. With respect to the District Convention, the additional one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate shall only be elected to the District Convention being held in the district in which said Republican was elected to the state legislature and to public office on the state or national level actually lives.
iv) If a county has been divided between two or more Congressional Districts, it shall prorate its delegate vote among these Congressional Districts in accordance with the republican registration as of January 31 of that year in the political subdivisions within the County which have been divided among the different Congressional Districts. Delegates elected to a Congressional District Convention, in addition to the other qualifications which they must meet, must reside in the Congressional District to whose Convention they are elected. The delegates to the County Convention from the political subdivisions in different Congressional Districts shall elect the delegates to their own Congressional District Convention.
The Chair and Secretary of the County Executive Committee shall certify the election of officers, committee members, delegates and alternates to the District and State Conventions, on forms furnished by the State Central Committee. Completed forms shall be in the hands of or in the email box of the Congressional District Secretary and the State Headquarters by the deadline set by the State Chair. All County Credentials for the State Convention should be mailed to the State Headquarters and submitted electronically in Excel format; no later than ten (10) days following the date of the County Convention or the deadline set by the State Chair, whichever date comes first. The postmarked date will be used to determine compliance for mailed credentials. Copies of all notices shall be submitted to the State Republican Party, along with County Credentials. No delegates or alternates shall be added to the Credentials List following the adjournment of the County Convention.
Convention Fee
For each person who is elected at the County Convention to be either a delegate or an alternate to the State Convention, the County shall forward to the State Party a fee set by the State Central Committee to defray the cost of mailing convention materials to such elected delegates and alternates. The County Plan of Organization permits the County Party to recover this fee from the delegates and alternates.
- Administrative Procedures
- No Precinct shall cast more votes than it has duly elected delegates on the floor at the County Convention.
- No person shall be seated as a delegate or alternate at the County, District, or State Convention unless such person shall have been duly elected a delegate or alternate by the appropriate Precinct Meeting or County Conventions; except, if a registered Republican or Republicans present at the County Convention from an unorganized Precinct, which has not had its credentials accepted, shall have the right to vote one (1) per Precinct, prorated among those present from that Precinct.
- Republicans shall submit in writing to the County Chair a reason for absence from the County Convention and a request to be added as a delegate or alternate. Any such request must be presented at the County Convention, and approved by a majority vote of delegates present at the Convention, but only if there is availability of delegate or alternate positions within the County allocation.
- No delegate, alternate, nor any other member of the convention, shall cast any vote by proxy; provided however, that when not inconsistent with The Rules of the Republican National Committee, any delegate or delegates present shall have the right to cast the entire vote of the County according to the number of delegates to attend the State Convention, so long as there is one delegate from the county on the floor to vote the delegates authorized.
1. Shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the County as the head of the County Executive Board.
2. Shall issue the call for Precinct Meetings, County Executive Meetings, County Board Meetings and County Conventions.
3. Shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and Executive Committee.
4. Shall maintain a current list of all registered Republicans within the County.
5. Shall appoint a temporary Convention Chair, Convention Secretary, Parliamentarian, and one or more Sergeants at Arms for the County Convention.
6. Shall have authority to commit and/or spend up to $500.00 unplanned expenditures or up to the budgeted total of planned and approved expenditures.
7. Shall be the Official Party Spokesman and approve all official County Republican Party news releases.
8. Shall appoint Acting Precinct Chairs. It is ultimately the County Chair's responsibility to ensure that each Precinct is organized.
9. Shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, recommend persons to the State Party Chairman for the Cumberland County Board of Elections. Shall recommend to the Cumberland County Board of Elections persons for appointment as election judges, election assistants, and other election officials. It is the responsibility of the County Chair to ensure that there are as many Republican election officials in each precinct as allowed by law.
10. Shall be a member of all committees at the County level unless otherwise designated.
1. Shall function as the County Chair in the absence of the Chair.
2. Shall have other duties as may be prescribed by the County Chair.
1. Shall function as the County Chair in the absence of the Chair and First Vice-Chair.
2. Shall have other duties as may be prescribed by the County Chair.
1. Shall record, publish, and maintain all minutes and records of the Executive Committee meetings, Executive Board Meetings, and the County Convention. Records shall be at Party Headquarters or another place designated by the County Chair, and shall be available for examination or copying by any registered Republican within the County.
2. Shall immediately upon election, determine and prepare a list of the membership of the Executive Committee, listing each member's name and reason for membership on the committee.
3. Shall keep all official records and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair and/or the Executive Committee.
4. Shall maintain a current roster of all Precinct officers, and Executive Committee members. All of these rosters shall be available to any registered Republican within the County for review or copy, with the Executive Committee roster to be posted at Party Headquarters or place designated by the Chair.
5. If desired, at the request of the appropriate County Convention, it is possible to separate the duties of Secretary between a Recording Secretary and a Corresponding Secretary.
6. Shall maintain a copy of the County SOP (standard operating procedures) with the County Organization Chart and update as needed as dictated by the County Chairman.
1. Shall receive and account for all Party funds.
2. Shall personally sign all checks of the Party.
3. Shall give a report on the financial condition of the Party to the Executive Committee at each meeting, and to the County Chair upon demand.
4. Shall prepare and execute all financial and campaign reports required by North Carolina and Federal statutes.
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
Finance Chairman
Candidate Recruitment Chairman
Volunteer Recruitment Chairman
Headquarters Office Manager
Fundraiser Chairman
Events Chairman
Outreach Chairman
Social Media Coordinator
The Officers, appointed by the Chair with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall have their duties prescribed to them at the time of appointment, and serve at the will of the Chair and Executive Committee.
- Call for meeting
Every year, the County Chair shall call Precinct Meetings at a time and date not inconsistent with the North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization, but no later than the date of the scheduled County Convention after giving ten (10) days notice by electronic and/or written means of notice to each Precinct Chair and by posting notice on the County Party website. Failure of the County Chair to act in compliance with the provision above shall become the duty of the Vice-Chair to act in this capacity. If the County Chair or Vice-Chair does not call the meetings then any Member of the County Executive Committee may call said Precinct Meetings. Every Republican registered prior to January 31st preceding the Meetings shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote, except that the January 31st requirement shall not apply to residents who have moved into the Precinct within thirty (30) days of the Precinct Meeting; or who have turned 18 years of age after January 31st but before the Precinct Meeting is held.
- Election of Precinct Officers
At odd-year Precinct Meetings, at which a quorum is one (1) person, attendees shall elect a Precinct Committee consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and as many
Members-at-large as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Precinct. Members of the Precinct Committee shall hold their offices for two years or until their successors are chosen. There shall be no proxy voting.
- Election of Delegates
The annual Precinct Meetings shall elect one (1) additional delegate and alternate for every two hundred and fifty (250) registered Republicans, or major fraction thereof, in the precinct, as allocated by the State Party.
- Duties of Officers
The Chair and Secretary of each Precinct shall certify the elections of Officers, Committee Members, delegates and alternates to the County Convention, on the forms stipulated by the State Central Committee and furnished by the County Chair. Completed credentials shall be in the hands of the County Secretary by the deadline set by the County Chair. No delegate or alternate shall be added to the Credentials List following the adjournment of the Precinct Meeting, except as otherwise provided in this Plan.
- Other Precinct Meetings
1. Other meetings of the Precinct general membership may be held at such time as shall be designated by the Chair of the Precinct Committee after giving five (5) days notice of such meeting by electronic and/or written means of notice or by such method of notification as may be specified by the County Executive Committee in the County Plan of Organization; or upon similar call of one-third (1/3) of the Members of the Precinct Committee, or ten (10) members of the general Precinct Membership. There shall be no proxy voting.
2. In the event a Precinct fails to properly organize or the Precinct Chair fails to act, or the position of Precinct Chair becomes vacant, the County Chair shall appoint an Acting Precinct Chair to serve until a general membership meeting can be called and a new Precinct Chair
1. Duties of Committee
The Precinct Committees shall cooperate with the County Executive Committee in all elections and Party activities, provide the County Chair with a list of Party Members within the precinct suitable for appointment as Election Officials, and promote the objectives of the Party within the precinct.
2. Duties of Officers
The Chair of the Precinct Committee, with the advice and consent of the Precinct Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the Precinct, shall preside at all meetings of the precinct, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Precinct Committee or the County Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair shall function as Chair in the absence of the Chair. The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records and maintain a list of registered Republican voters and workers within the Precinct, unless otherwise provided by the Precinct Committee or the County Executive Committee.
- Vacancies and Removals
1. Vacancies arising in officers shall be filled by the remaining Members of the Precinct Committee. In the absence of other members, the County Chair shall appoint an acting Precinct Chair.
2. The procedure for removal of any member or officer is defined in Article VIII B. Such removal may be appealed to the County Executive Committee within twenty (20) days and their decision shall be final.
- Acting Precinct Chairs
Acting Precinct chairs shall have all the rights, duties, and obligations of the office of Precinct Chair. The Acting Precinct Chairs shall call a general precinct meeting within thirty (30) days of appointment, or other reasonable time specified by the County Chair, for the purpose of electing new officers to serve out the term of any vacant positions. The Acting Precinct Chair may act in the interim to accomplish duties as specified by the County Chair.
The County Executive Board shall consist of the County Chairman and other elected officers of the Party, the immediate past Chair and four or more members-at-large. The County Executive Board shall meet at the discretion of the County Chair to perform the following duties.
1. Manage the day to day activities of the Party.
2. Prepare proposed budgets, schedules, statements, and calendars for County Executive Committee approval.
3. Prepare reports of projects, programs, and activities, as required by the Executive Committee.
4. Authorize expenditures of up to $500.00 per unplanned expenditure.
5. Establish agendas for the Executive Committee meetings and County Conventions.
6. Authorize the chair to appoint ad hoc committees as needed to accomplish specific time-constrained tasks.
7. Prepare/Approve correspondence, press releases, statements, and reports for the County Chair's signature.
8. Any other duties assigned by the County Executive Committee.
9. The County Executive Board shall meet at the call of the County Chair or if the Chair fails to act, by a majority of the county Executive Board. Monthly meetings are encouraged; bi-monthly meetings are required.
10. The County Executive Board may remove a member for failure to support the Party, (e.g. attend meetings) by two-thirds vote of the members present at any regularly called meeting.
The County Executive Committee shall consist of the County Officers and other at-large members elected by the County Convention or appointed by the committee. It shall also include the following who currently reside in Cumberland County and are registered Republicans:
- County Finance Chair
- Precinct Chairmen
- Republicans currently and formerly holding elected office including judicial seats.
- Former Republican Party Chairmen
- One member of each auxiliary Republican Men's or Women's club dedicated to electing Republicans to the exclusion of any other party or affiliation
The County Executive Committee shall cooperate with the District and State Committees in all elections and Party activities; shall encourage qualified candidates for office within the County; shall adopt a budget; shall recommend nominees to the State Chair for appointments to the County Board of Elections; and shall have active management of Party affairs within the County. It shall approve a Finance Committee and an Audit Committee of not less than three (3) members each and may approve such other Committees indicated in this paragraph. The Audit Committee shall do a review during the month of January and present a report to the Executive Committee before the County Convention convenes in March. In the event that it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent with the State Party Plan of Organization, the County Executive Committee must at the next called meeting bring the County Plan of Organization into compliance with the State Party Plan of Organization. Under any circumstances, the County Plan of Organization must be brought into compliance within 90 days. If permitted, the County Executive Committee may amend the County Plan of Organization upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote after providing notice of the meeting advising members regarding the substance of the proposed amendment and provided a quorum is present.
A quorum will be obtained when twenty-five percent (25%) of the Executive Committee is present. There shall be a minimum of four (4) meetings per year.
1. The County Chair, with the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the County. The Chair shall issue the call for Precinct Meetings and the County Convention, and Executive Committee Meetings, and shall preside at all the Meetings of the County Executive Committee. The Chair shall further appoint a temporary Chair of the County Convention, who may be himself or herself. The Chair shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance of a Republican organization in every Precinct within the County. The Chair shall obtain and preserve a list of all registered Republicans within the County and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the County, District, or State Committees; the County Chair is an "ex officio" member of all committees unless otherwise designated in the County Plan of Organization.
2. The Vice-Chair shall function as Chair in the absence of the Chair and shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the County Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair shall be a "ex-officio" member of all committees unless otherwise specified in the County Plan of Organization.
3. The Secretary shall record, publish, and maintain all minutes and records and shall maintain a roster of all Precinct Officers and Executive Committee Members. Such records shall be available, including all Credentials Lists upon request, to any registered Republican within the County. The Secretary shall furnish to the Congressional District Chair and to State Headquarters up-to-date lists of all Precinct Chairmen.
4. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds for Party expenditures pursuant to authority duly given by the County Executive Committee, shall make a report at the County Executive Committee Meetings and shall fulfill all financial reports and obligations required under State and Federal election laws.
In case of death, resignation, discontinuance of residency within the County, removal of any Officer or Member of the County Executive Committee, the resulting vacancy shall be filled by the County Executive Committee.
An audit Committee of not less than three (3) members shall be appointed by the County Chair and shall conduct a yearly audit of the financial records of the County Party or any other audit directed by the Executive Board, and report such audit to the Executive Committee for approval.
Minutes shall be recorded, published, and maintained by all Committees and Conventions of official actions taken, and a copy shall be filed with the Chair of the appropriate Committee or Convention.
- Removal or Resignation from Committees
Any current or former Officer or Member of a Precinct Committee, County Executive Committee, District Committee, State Executive Committee or State Committee who, for any reason, is removed or resigned from said position shall forfeit all rights and privileges in any way connected with that position. Removal shall be confined to gross inefficiency, Party Disloyalty (as defined herein), or failure to comply with the County, District, or State Party Plans of Organization.
- Party Disloyalty
For the purpose of this Plan of Organization, "Party Disloyalty" shall be defined as:
1. Publicly endorsing a candidate of another Party or an Unaffiliated candidate running in opposition to a nominee of the Republican Party, or against a Republican candidate in a non-partisan election, or
2. Using a current or former title as a Republican Party official or Republican elected official to influence or gain support for a candidate running in opposition to a Republican Party nominee.
- Removal
1. Any registered Republican accused of gross inefficiency, Party Disloyalty, or failure to comply with County, District of State Party Plans of Organization, shall be entitled to be heard before the Executive Committee, and shall be furnished notice of such charges signed by at least one-third (1/3) of the members of the Executive Committee, and given at least two (2) weeks’ notice of date, time, and location of an opportunity to present a defense.
2. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the County Executive Committee members present at such hearing shall be required for a finding of gross inefficiency, party disloyalty, or failure to comply with County, District, or State Party Plans of Organization.
3. The County Executive Committee may declare a registered Republican found to have engaged in gross inefficiency, party disloyalty, or failure to comply with County, District, or State Party Plans of Organization ineligible to serve in any office or position under this Plan of Organization for a period of six (6) months to five (5) years.
1. Rules as to Towns and Cities
This Plan of Organization is not intended to extend to or establish organizations for the Republican Party of the various towns and cities of Cumberland County as separate units from the Precinct and County Organization. Qualified and registered Republican voters of the towns and cities of the state may organize and promulgate their own rules not inconsistent with these rules and the organizations herein established.
2. Rules as to Counties and Districts
The Precinct and County Committees and County Conventions are authorized to promulgate such additional rules and establish such additional Party Officers or Committees for their respective organizations, not inconsistent with these rules, as shall be deemed necessary.
1. Controversies
Controversies in any County or District with respect to the organizations set up therein under this Plan shall be referred to the State Chair, State Vice-Chair, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman and General Counsel for arbitration. Ruling shall be made within sixty (60)days, and their decision shall be final.
2. Parliamentary Authority
The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) shall govern proceedings, except when inconsistent with this County Plan of Organization or with Convention Rules properly adopted.
3. Gender and Number
The masculine pronoun or title herein includes the feminine, and the singular herein includes the plural, wherever appropriate.
This Plan of Organization shall become effective and repeal and supersede all other rules, except as specifically noted, immediately following adjournment of the Cumberland County Convention in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on March 20th, 2021. This however, shall not invalidate any action taken under the previous rules prior to the above date. The adoption of this Plan shall not affect the term of those office holders at the time of the adoption of this Plan.
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