2023 Republican Slates - Cumberland County Republican Party

To see the Bryant Slate for 2023 scroll down below Leonard's statement. 

Why I am running for Chairman of Cumberland County by LEONARD BRYANT 

"We as Conservatives must get involved at every level. I will work with the County party to do whatever is required legally and morally to achieve victory. I will lend my support to ensure those who run have the highest level of support possible."

I will stand for conservative values and the Constitution wherever I go. I have been deployed in very dangerous places to defend liberty, and I am no stranger to entering the arena to fight for what I believe. 

I encourage you to do the same thing here in NC. We SHOW UP and STAND UP at city council meetings, mayoral race campaign events, and school board meetings… any place where policy is being debated and employed to make a unified and clear stand for conservatives’ values and principles. 

We should also support the litigants of liberty. Organizations like Judicial Watch, the American Center for Law and Justice, and Alliance Defending Freedom will benefit from our unified financial support because they are the ones who will fight the legal battles up to and in the United States Supreme Court.

One of the most important reasons I am running for County Chairman is to make my voice heard. Big tech is censoring conservatives. Legacy media is censoring conservatives. The Biden administration is censoring conservatives. The proponents of CRT are censoring conservatives. 

We must speak out against the censorship of far-left liberalism and speak the truth; that they are working diligently to undermine the first amendment and silence their political opposition. This is Marxism 101.  We will not only speak out and call them out concerning their deep hypocrisy, but we will vigorously support Next-Generation Social Media platforms such as MeWe, Gettr, Frankspeech, and other social media outlets that will not abridge free speech. 

This is how we preserve the First Amendment and the Constitution for our children and our grandchildren, and their children."




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